
XMission's Company Journal

What can you create with 5472 pixels? – Updated with our Winner!

Big thanks to all of our artists who submitted work for XMission’s Digital Display Contest. We received so many creative and beautiful pieces and were thrilled to see them on our tubes at night.

After reviewing the popular votes, and making their own final decisions, our judges have concluded that the Digital Display Contest winner is:

“Summertime” by Bryce Buchanan


Congratulations Bryce!

XMission will continue to rotate all of the submissions on our display in the coming weeks and months. To see the animations at their LED finest, you will want to drive or walk by in the late evening.

If you have any other animations that you would like us to include in the rotation just for fun, please feel free to send those to


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19 thoughts on “What can you create with 5472 pixels? – Updated with our Winner!

  • Rob says:

    Great contest!! Is there a maximum time length? Also I’m curious what the refresh rate is on those LED tubes.

  • Matt A. says:

    There is no max time length and the refresh rate is 30 frames per second.

  • Mia Robinson says:

    Any info on how to get the files to the correct size? I’ve posted this to our FB site and the question has come up. Thanks!

  • Matt A. says:

    Hi Mia,
    The resolution of the tube display is 171 pixels x 32 pixels. Most common image editing applications (such as Adobe Photoshop) will be able to crop artwork to this size. If you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to post a comment or send us an email.

  • Pete Ashdown says:

    Mia, we can also crop for you, just be certain that the actual activity is within 171×32.

  • Pete Ashdown says:

    I should also add that the latest software can do 60 FPS.

  • Mia Robinson says:

    Great, thanks so much!!! 🙂

  • Riley Hulick says:

    I have a couple of questions about the tubes.
    Does it have an audio system? (I suspect that it doesn’t, but it’s important, so I know what to prepare.)
    What are the dimensions of the display (in feet and inches, rather than pixels) and how high is it from the ground?
    Have you instated the 60fps software? (I probably won’t utilize it, but it would be good to know.)

  • Pete Ashdown says:

    The tubes make a slight buzzing sound when fully lit, but have no audio system otherwise. The physical size is about 35 feet wide by 6 feet tall. It is about 2 feet off the ground and 3 feet behind glass next to the sidewalk.

    The software running now can handle 60 FPS just fine. It is actually cranking closer to 100 FPS depending on the load on the PC, but 60 FPS is rock solid.

  • Riley Hulick says:

    The message said that the voting was supposed to start today (July 17). If it is, where do I send my friends to vote? If there’s some sort of delay, will it be available soon?

  • Emily H. says:

    Riley, we had a number of last-minute entries that we are still converting. We should have them all available on the website sometime this week. Please check back and thanks for your entry.

  • Kevin Blackham says:

    It’s the end of this week. Got votes?

  • Emily H. says:

    Kevin, we are close. Hopefully early next week.

  • Apparently they convert video by hand using punch-cards and crayons.

  • Kevin Blackham says:

    Or they get posted “when we get around to it” (aka when we’re ready) ala xmission style. 🙂 Ahh, how I miss the XM sometimes.

  • Kevin Blackham says:

    Or they get posted “when we get around to it” (aka when we’re ready) ala xmission style. 🙂 Ahh, how I miss the XM sometimes.

    Qwest is a victim tp the corporate culture of risk-aversion and ass-covering which does not permeate XM culture. Keep up the good work! Get it done when it’s ready to be done!

  • Kevin Blackham says:

    Meh ok dupe. Fix bayou iDevice compats.

  • Bryce Buchanan says:

    Just curious, how long until the public can no longer vote?

  • Emily H. says:

    We will keep voting up until August 15. Judging will occur on August 16.